Our first case study with our partner Formstack

image from blog.formstack.com
We just had our first ever case study published by one of our cloud partners – Formstack.

Head on over to their blog to read the rest of the terrific write up on Resa’s Pieces Concert Band, our client who we helped with online ticket sales.

Here’s the best quote from the article:

“Formstack is the secret sauce in my product,” said Sirota. “Formstack enables my client to just try e-commerce without spending and risking an arm and a leg.”

About the author

Alex is a pioneer in using the cloud to meet the needs of small and medium sized business (SMBs) and membership-based organizations. He has a BSc in computer science from the University of Michigan and has worked as a product manager at two Internet startups. Alex is a father of 2 and plays the trumpet for fun. He is the founder and the president of the University of Michigan Alumni Club of Toronto.