Since April 2020, NewPath staff and developers have been working on an ambitious digital transformation project for the Mechanical Contractors Association of British Columbia. MCABC executive director Kim Barbero and project manager Kaylee Sarich led a project that resulted in a new set of strategic goals and tactics. MCABC worked with a marketing agency to create a new brand for MCABC which included a new set of strategic pillars, a new logo and style guide. NewPath Consulting was tasked with implementing a website and association management system that delivered on the revitalized strategic direction of MCABC.
Project Objectives Aligned to New Business Strategy
MCABC asked NewPath consulting to create a digital platform to enable the organization to grow their major business objectives which to date have been hampered by disconnected information systems and lack of a cohesive brand identity. The main objectives of the project included:
- a unified, mobile-friendly membership experience for existing members
- a 360-degree customer data platform for each member company and their employees
- integrated marketing capabilities to prospective member companies and employees
- seamless ecommerce engine to sell events, courses and materials
- self-service online jobs portal for prospective employers and employees or contractors
- offer MCABC sponsorship to members which include banner ads on the website and in email newsletters
- increase the capacity and productivity of MCABC marketing and operational staff
Vast, Complex and Exciting Requirements
The business requirements for the project were vast, complex and exciting.
MCABC chose to use WordPress as the front end to the WildApricot database. NewPath developers created a bespoke WordPress theme with the brand assets and mockups provided by MCABC’s brand agency. The new MCABC website included a features aligned to the business objectives of the organization:
- single sign on website capability using WildApricot contact and membership credential
- member self-service portal to renew membership, edit profile, access to event and financial records
- support for both business and individual memberships with self-service joining capability
- a Members Hub, accessible to active members
- an integrated jobs database with scheduled postings and approval workflow for members (free) and for paid postings for non-members
- ecommerce integration to sell courses, events and various books and digital materials, all powered by the WildApricot online store
- online advertising system to place text and image banner ads on a defined schedule from one or more sponsors
Here are some highlights of the new features available on the new MCABC website:
- A public member directory showcases all MCABC member companies.
- An example course available to members: “Advanced Supervision. Turning Supervisors Into Better Leaders”.
- MCABC Members and the public can post job openings, with the added benefit of promotion through MCABC’s social media channels. MCABC Members can login to post a free job. Non-members can post a job for $295.
- Member companies can advertise their products and services directly to mechanical contractors and the public.
- New Members can apply for membership and join MCABC.
The 2020 Annual Golf Classic was a big success, with registration management run using the WildApricot event system. Over 150 members joined the event. As this event was held in person during the COVID-19 pandemic, health questionnaires were deployed and collected online successfully. A post event survey collected information using a WordPress-powered form builder. All of the content is maintained by MCABC operational and marketing staff with ongoing care plan support by NewPath consulting database and website experts.