Translate your WildApricot website
Do you want to have a multi-lingual WildApricot website for your members? Our translation support service enables multi-lingual WildApricot websites in 2 or more languages.

Makes your WildApricot site multi-lingual “ready”
Our staff installs our module in your WildApricot site.

Use our standard WildApricot translations
We provide you with a set of basic translations for standard messages and labels.

Add your own translations for custom fields and your web content
We train your volunteers and staff to add your own translations for custom fields and content.
Having a multi-lingual website is an absolute must! Wild Apricot now can give our members a friendly experience in their native language. And we can maintain our translations on our own with NewPath’s training!
Janelle Morgan

Wild Apricot Translation Training
USD $1,999 CAD $2,599
Up to 10 hours of training included in a turn-key training package. Video conference training is provided for up to 3 staff and volunteers. This package requires a license of the EZ Web Designer for Wild Apricot which provides 1 language pack. All support after implementation is covered with a Wild Apricot Hero call.

The NewPath translation system installs as a “Global Javascript” and adds one alternate language to your website. Your members can switch from one language to another in just one click!

Our translation service comes with over 600 labels and messages embedded in WildApricot system pages and gadgets. We have a ready-to-use French translation. Translations for other languages can be added on-demand.

All custom fields and content can be translated and added to the standard translation file. Your organization will provide any custom translations that are beyond the scope of the standard translations.

NewPath will train your volunteers and staff to maintain custom translations. This includes any custom contact and membership fields as well as any content or navigation menus added by web administrators.

Project timeline: 1 day to install standard translations. Custom translations made by your organization may take you and your staff between 5-100+ hours depending on the scope of content translations.
Did you find your solution?
If not, NewPath Consulting has helped hundreds of clients implement the system that best fits their needs. We will work with you to match your organization’s goals with the right suite of WildApricot Membership Management software and apps.