Solve your Make.com automation challenges without delay! Our expert team will help you, on your time.
During your 1-hour, one-on-one video call, you will explain and show your problem or task sharing your screen if necessary. One of our Make Heros will walk you through a resolution to your issue and make sure you’re satisfied. A maximum of one person can join the call.
Here’s a video of the highlights of a typical Make Hero call…
Make.com hero support
Example topics we can help with include:
- Creation of basic scenarios based on requirements
- Fixing existing scenario issues
- Scoping the build-outs of more complex scenarios
- Work-arounds for apps that do not have a Make.com app
Our problem solving experts will perform best-effort to solve your problems or challenges. You will receive a private video recording of your call, and any related materials we used to answer your question.
My experience with Make.com Hero has been super positive. What’s most impressive is being able to talk with a true Make.com expert with broad functional and technical knowledge. And I’ve been able to quickly book calls at my pace as new issues or problems arise. That convenience is a huge plus!
Gary K

Did you find your solution?
If not, NewPath Consulting has helped hundreds of clients implement the system that best fits their needs. We will work with you to match your organization’s goals with the right suite of WildApricot Membership Management software and apps.