Meet WildApricot

WildApricot is an all-in-one database and website for associations and clubs between 50 and 50,000 members or contacts. It is ideal for organizations that have under $1M in revenue who have recurring memberships as part of their business model. It is an ideal, user-friendly “single source of truth” for tiny to mid-size associations and clubs.

WildApricot has been in business since 2006 and is part of the Personify portfolio of products for associations and not for profits. WildApricot has over 20,000 association and club customers, all over the world.

Support for WildApricot is available through copious online help documentation, realtime text chat and email. A network of 50+ partners embrace and extend WildApricot customers through paid support, consulting and a variety of add-ons. There is also a free, thriving Facebook community for WildApricot of 5,000 customers and partners.

Configuring WildApricot

WildApricot comprises of several important modules: website management, membership management, contact database, event management, donations, email marketing and financials. Understanding how all these modules work together is key to getting the most out of WildApricot.

Configuring WildApricot in alignment with your organization’s business model is the key to a successful rollout and adoption. At NewPath we have found a successful implementation can take anywhere between 50-200 hours depending on the amount of membership data you have and how complex your website, events and finances are. We are experts after having served hundreds of associations and have the art & science of WildApricot down pat.

Use WildApricot

Using WildApricot effectively includes encouraging your members to self-service in your WildApricot-powered website, and training your administrators and volunteers. The philosophy WildApricot encourages members to do self-service through the website. Whatever they do on the website will ALWAYS be reflected in WildApricot instantly, because the website and the database are intricately connected for 24/7/365 up to date. The database becomes your single source of truth.

The administrative features in the admin dashboard can be delegated to volunteers and other staff so they can help run the organization, and we encourage smaller associations to start giving access to others to help you focus on building value to your members. But if you need help NewPath offers care plans and our famous Wild Apricot Hero, on demand video support program.

Extend WildApricot

NewPath has invested hundreds of hours on several “add ons” that extend WildApricot for customers who need that extra power.

WordPress integration, QuickBooks integration, custom reporting with Google Data Studio and custom multi-lingual WildApricot websites are available today.

Visit to learn more.

About the author

Alex is a pioneer in using the cloud to meet the needs of small and medium sized business (SMBs) and membership-based organizations. He has a BSc in computer science from the University of Michigan and has worked as a product manager at two Internet startups. Alex is a father of 2 and plays the trumpet for fun. He is the founder and the president of the University of Michigan Alumni Club of Toronto.