Did you know that your library may offer access to Lynda.com for free? Your library may also offer access to online tech books from Safari Books online, for free! Each resources is normally available under a yearly subscription worth hundreds of dollars.
As of 2014 many libraries across North America have been introducing access to these 2 incredible online training repositories for people holding valid, non-expired library cards.
What is Lynda.com?
Lynda.com is a leading online learning company that helps anyone learn business, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Access includes the lynda.com video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.
lynda.com, Inc. was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Carpinteria, California.
What is Safari Books Online?
Safari Books Online provides access to more than 21,000 digital books and videos on topics ranging from programming to IT networking to project management to graphic design to business strategy. The content includes code snippets, certification preparation materials, practice exercises, training videos, and much more. Users can search thousands of books simultaneously online, saving time and quickly finding the information they need. Safari Books Online provides a powerful but easy-to-use platform for your users to find information and answers to questions about topics such as improving career skills, organizing personal electronics and finances, learning social networking or starting a business. The world’s most respected publishers such as O’Reilly Media, Addison-Wesley, Peachpit Press, John Wiley & Sons, Adobe Press, Microsoft Press, Sams, For Dummies, McGraw Hill, and more are available.
Originally started in 2001, Safari Books Online was the result of a combination of two of the world’s most prominent technology publishers, O’Reilly Media, Inc. and Pearson Education.
Finding If Your Library Has Access
A simple Google search will bring up libraries that have access to either resource:
Search for Libraries with Lynda.com
Search for Libraries with Safari Books Online
UPDATE: We are working on a comprehensive list of all libraries across North America that have access with direct links. Feel free to check out the progress or provide input at this editable Google Spreadsheet.
UPDATE 2: This list is slowly growing and we’ve created a simple to use search and map tool for this Lynda/Safari public library directory.